At least one of the standard universe tests chews a truly excessive amount of RAM (7.5 GB), so I had to adjust the configuration of the default personal HTCondor (the test glue created it with 15 slots) to allow it to actually run after it checkpointed.
 After sufficient bullying, all but three non standard-universe tests passed locally, so it was on to checking the build in BaTLab.  In order to do so, I cloned the x86_64_Debian6 entry in  Additionally, because the test machine kept its HTCondor installation in a nonstandard location, I had to adjust condor_compile (so it would work if given enough information on the command-line, as opposed to suicide when condor_config_val failed to return information that would be later ignored) and condor_arch_link (which also used condor_config_val in a way that unncessarily assumed the existence of an HTCondor config file).
+Adding the LIGO test was pretty straightforward.