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Below are the rules to be followed for any new branch that you plan to push to HTCondor's central git repository.

Naming your branch

If you don't follow the branch naming convention you risk a grumpy Todd blowing away your branch from the central repository. If you don't want to risk losing all that work, then follow these branch naming directions!!

The convention that must be followed is:

   [new-branch-name] == [old-branch-name without "-branch"]-XXX-branch

such that XXX describes the newness. If you want XXX to contain multiple words, separate them with underscores, not hyphens.

For example, a branch off of V6_5-branch could be: V6_5-gridmanager_reorg-branch

If you're creating a new version of an existing branch, add a "-2" after XXX. If a number is already there in the old version, increment it.

Release branches are made for every release of HTCondor when we're almost ready to ship them. They should be named with the version of HTCondor they hold, for example: "V6_5_3-branch". We know that any branch name with a 3-number version like that is a release branch for that specific version.

Start from a good foundation

Before you make a branch, you ensure that the parent branch of your new branch builds on ALL our platforms. Check the nightly build results, or if changes have already been committed today, fire a 1-off build, and make sure it passes on all platforms. If last night's builds are broken, or if new code has already been checked in for the day, you can find the last-working build tag on the branch you care about, and branch from that point.

There will be frequent exceptions. Try not to violate this rule too often, and if you do, feel a little bit guilty about it.

Making the branch

Starting from an existing public branch

# Lets decide on the name "V7_1-GreatFeature-branch". This means we
# are going to branch from the end of V7_1-branch, so you should make
# sure it is known to build on all platforms and pass all tests.
$ git branch V7_1-GreatFeature-branch master

# Now push that new branch to the central repository so everyone can
# see it
$ git push origin V7_1-GreatFeature-branch

# You now have a local and central branch named V7_1-GreatFeature-branch,
# but the local branch is not tracking the central branch, so "git
# pull" won't get other peoples changes to the branch. Let's fix that
# by recreating the local branch so that it tracks the central branch
$ git branch -f V7_1-GreatFeature-branch origin/V7_1-GreatFeature-branch

Starting from a private (local) branch

If you have a local/private branch, you can push it up to the master. If you didn't follow the naming conventions above, you'll need to rename it, which is what the following documents. This example assumes a local branch named "bname", made off of V7_6-branch.

# Make sure we're on the right branch
$ git checkout bname

# Rename it to match the name guidelines.
$ git branch -m V7_6-bname-branch

# First, get it into the main repository
$ git push origin V7_6-bname-branch

# now rename the local copy to an old version just in case you need it
$ git branch -m V7_6_bname-branch-old

# Checkout bname from the origin and track it.
$ git checkout -b bname origin/V7_6-bname-branch

# Now you can delete the bname-old when you are satisfied bname is in the
# repository and it is happy.
# git branch -D V7_6-bname-branch-old

Document the branch name

You must add a description of the new branch at GitBranchDescriptions. The description should include the name of the person who created or is responsible for the branch, the date, where the new branch came from, what it is for, and any plans for when/where it's going to be merged back into (if we know them).

An example for a tag is:

*3/2/2010 V7_5_1* {linebreak}
The offical tag for 7.5.1, from the V7_5_1-branch.
Version string: $CondorVersion: 7.5.1 Mar 1 2010 BuildID: 220663 $
Original build tag: BUILD-V7_5_1-branch-2010-2-28_2

An example for a branch is:

*3/29/2010 V7_5_2-branch* {linebreak}
Branch for 7.5.2 release, created from BUILD-trunk-2010-3-27.

Please follow the markup style of the nearby entries.

Document merge strategy

If your branch is a major one (say, any branch in the form V7_6-branch or V7_6_3-branch), other developers will need to know what branches should merge where. Update SourceCodeBranches with the current details.

Fix the version string in your new branch

cmake world order

The version string and pre-release tag can be found in the top level /CMakeLists.txt. Look for these lines:

# HTCondor version info
set(VERSION "7.5.6")

# Set PRE_RELEASE to either a string (i.e. "PRE-RELEASE-UWCS") or OFF

If you're making a feature branch ("V7_5_6-Neat-things-branch", change PRE_RELEASE to something appropriate ("set(PRE_RELEASE "PRE-RELEASE-UWCS-NEAT-THINGS"). Do not include whitespace in the PRE_RELEASE field.

If you're making a branch for a release, be sure to update the VERSION. When you are building actual release candidates, comment out the PRE_RELEASE line and uncomment the "set(PRE_RELEASE OFF)".

old world order

The applies to 7.4 and early 7.5.x releases. It is no longer used, but this is kept just in case we need a new branch, say for an urgent security fix, for 7.2 or 7.4.

Once you've got a workspace that has the sticky-bit set pointing to your new branch, you should modify the version string in /src/condor_utils/condor_version.cpp (Particularly old releases might put it in /src/condor_c++_util/condor_version.C.) to uniquely identify your branch. What to use for the version number itself depends on your needs and plans. However, the best thing is to add something that identifies your branch to the "comments" section of the string. For example, if the old version string (on the V6_5-branch) looked something like this:

   static char* CondorVersionString = "$CondorVersion: 6.5.3 " __DATE__ " $";

or even:

   static char* CondorVersionString = "$CondorVersion: 6.5.3 " __DATE__ " PRE-RELEASE-UWCS $";

you should change it to something like this:

   static char* CondorVersionString = "$CondorVersion: 6.5.3 " __DATE__ " V6_5-PAOLO-BRANCH-PRE-RELEASE-UWCS $";

What about the Manual?

If you're making a release branch, you should NOT branch the manual as well. Instead, you should contact Karen Miller and ask her to do it, since there are always other merges that should happen before we create the release branch of the manual. That said, we always want a release branch for the manual, since that's one of the big reasons why we make release branches in the first place. In other cases, you probably don't want to branch the manual as well, since you'll just be making more work for Karen. However, if you're actually going to document what you change, you can include the manual. In this case, you should inform Karen about this so that she can coordinate with you and avoid duplication of effort or other problems. We merge the manual separately from the rest of the source, so that has to be a consideration, as well.