Page History
- 2013-Dec-18 10:59 tannenba
- 2012-Nov-13 15:56 adesmet
- 2009-May-01 14:15 jfrey
Creating GitTrac Accounts
This is the policy for creating gittrac accounts for users outside of the Condor Team. All accounts need to be approved by Todd Tannenbaum. To create an account, log into gittrac, select the Users link at the top of the page, then select 'Add User' at the upper-right of the page. Fill in the user's name and e-mail address. The email address must show their affiliation (i.e. no gmail or hotmail addresses). Their gittrac User ID should be the name portion of their e-mail address (the part before the '@').
The user should have the following capabilities:
- d Delete
- j Read Wiki
- k Write Wiki
- n New Tkt
- o Check-out
- p Password
- r Read
- w Write
They can have the Check-in (i) capability only if we have a signed code contributor license on file.