{subsubsection: Eliminate whitespace from a commit}
 Imagine your editor converted all spaces to tabs or tabs to spaces. You absolutely do not want to commit such a change. There will be no way to easily tell what you actually changed if every line of a file change a change. When this happens use =git diff= with the =-w= and/or =-b= options to create a patch that does not have your whitespace changes, reset the file you changed to match =HEAD= and apply your patch.
+{subsection: In Source Builds}
+{subsubsection: Hiding build output from git status}
+Ensure that the only untracked files are files you want hidden from the output of git ignore.  Then use:
+git clean -ndfx | sed 's/^Would remove //' > .git/info/exclude
+(Untested, based on an email from nwp. Try at your own risk.)