warning: too many files, skipping inexact rename detection
-You'll get a whole lot of merge conflicts which one would imagine git could have take care of.  The problem, in my case at least, is that because detecting file name changes is currently O(n^2), so git has a configurable limit which will stop the search after _m_ iterations.  To resolve this, you can set =diff.renamelimit= to something higher.  400, in my case, seemed to do the trick.
+You'll get a whole lot of merge conflicts which one would imagine git could have take care of.  The problem, at least in my case, is that because detecting file name changes is currently O(n^2), git has a configurable limit, after which it will stop searching.  To resolve this, you can set =diff.renamelimit= to something higher.  400, in my case, seemed to do the trick.