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See GoogleDriveWisdom for an overview of using Google Drive.

See DesignDoc for an overview of how to write a design document.

Our design documents are now kept in a shared Google Drive folder. To protect against their loss we're making regular backups everything in the "HTCondor Design Documents" folder. Other documents are not backed up (although you can easily adapt these instructions to do so, and see "Google Takeout" below).

Making a backup

Once per week:

  1. Log in per GoogleDriveWisdom.

  2. If you've never done so before, follow the "Getting Set Up" instructions at GoogleDriveWisdom.

  3. Click the checkbox to the left of the folder "HTCondor Design Documents".

  4. Some buttons should have appeared above the list of files and folders. Click "More", then and from the menu that appears click "Download...". A dialog box labelled "Convert and Download" should appear.

  5. Next to "Change all formats to:" click "MS Office".

  6. Click "Download"

  7. Wait to be notified your download is ready. The dialogue box will probably say "Zipping Complete".

  8. Your download should automatically start; if it doesn't click the link "click here to download".

  9. Save the download into /p/condor/gittrac-backups/design-documents . The filename should look something like with the current date in the last part in year-month-date order. If the name doesn't match that pattern, change it to do so.

  10. In a different folder, unzip the archive and open at least one of the files to ensure it looks plausibly correct. You can delete the unzipped files afterward; we're just keeping the zip archive as a backup.

Google Takeout

Google Takeout allows bulk export of all of your Google Drive files, as well as many other things in Google's cloud storage. This is a good way to back up your own files. Unfortunately it captures everything, so is a poor fit for backing up the design documents because it will include unrelated documents in Drive. It also doesn't work with multiple logins, which can be nuisance (you'll need to log out of all Google accounts except your UW Google Apps account).

Documentation on using Google Takeout with your UW Google Apps account can be found at
