(You can log in from any Google login page; just omit your password when you click "Sign In" to be taken to the UW's login page. This doesn't work if you're already logged into a personal account.)
+{section: Getting Set Up}
+Find someone with edit access to the folder and ask them to grant you edit access.  You should get an email with details.  When you click "HTCondor Design Documents" in the email, you'll end up at the folder.  In the upper right corner should be "Add to your Drive" or similar.  Click on it.  It will now read "Open in your Drive" or similar, click on it.  You should now be set up!
+{section: Setting Someone Else Up}
+1: Log in to Google Drive.
+2: Right click on the HTCondor Design Documents folder in the column on the left.  Select Share > Share.
+3: Enter in the person's UW NetID in the box at the bottom.
+4: Ensure that the droplist next to their address says "Can edit".
+5: Click ""Share & Save."
+6: Done!
 {section: Working Offline}
 If you want to be able to read or edit documents while not online, you will need to use Google Chrome and {link: https://kb.wisc.edu/googleapps/page.php?id=31141 enable offline mode}.  You should only edit documents offline if you are reasonably sure that you are the only editor; Google does silent merges which can lose data with no history about the lost data!  Adding comments offline should be safe.