The following is a general strategy; _as of May 2014 it has not been tested_.
+{section: Downloads}
+Put the files up for download!  There is no reason to not just offer for download the exact same files created for streaming (below).
+You might want to ensure the web server sets the Content-Disposition header so that it's downloaded and not viewed in browser.  {link: promising looking summary of the technique}
+{section: Streaming}
 _{link: Dive Into HTML5}_ has a good overview of what you need to do.  The situation is even better if you're willing to require a "recent" web browser (2011+), in which case you can ignore Flash and Theora+Vorbis+Ogg and exclusively rely on H.264(baseline)+AAC(low complexity)+MP4 and WebM.
 _Dive Into HTML5_'s recommendations for creating the files should work, but are probably overkill.  If you've got a good ffmpeg install (Try /u/a/d/adesmet/bin/opt/ffmpeg/ffmpeg ) it can do the job.  {link: the full details are a bit long}, but here is a summary: