Note that the above adds "-movflags faststart" to the mp4 creation. This causes a second pass on the file (slow, sadly) that moves the metadata to the start of the file, making it faster for a web browser to seek into the middle of the file.  Instead of "-movflags faststart" you can use the tool qt-faststart.
+By default ffmpeg seems to use a number of threads equal to the number of cores you have minus 1.  You can speed things up by specifying your actual number of cores.  For example "-threads 2" forces 2 threads.
+{section: Extracting a poster}
+Ideally you want a poster image for the browser to display before the video is loaded.  Here is a quick and dirty way to exact the first frame. Instead of "0" for "-ss", you can specify a number of seconds into the video to sample.  You can also specify
+ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -ss 0 -vframes 1 input.jpg
 {section: Editing with ffmpeg}
 This is probably unnecessary if you have a full blown video editor, but occasionally quick command line tools are useful.