{section: Creating the HTML}
-Here is a very simple example of what the HTML might look like:
+If you're using our normal Mason system (generate_html), there is a module to simplify this.  It assumes you have the video as .webm, .mp4, and a .jpg poster in the current directory, and that the download/ subdirectory contains symlinks to the webm and mp4 files.  Given this, here is an example of using the video.mas module.  It's for Karen's 2014 user tutorial. All of the files are named "Intro_To_Using_HTCondor.*" and the video is 640x320.
+<%method title2>Tutorial: An Introduction to Using HTCondor</%method>
+<p>Presented by Karen Miller, summer of 2014.
+<a href="http://research.cs.wisc.edu/htcondor/HTCondorWeek2014/presentations/MillerK_IntroTutorial.pdf">Download slides.</a>
+<& /htcondor/lib/video.mas, name=>'Intro_To_Using_HTCondor', width=>640, height=>360 &>
+If you need to do it by hand, check out htcondor/src/lib/video.mas in the htcondor-web repository.  Here is a very simple example:
 <p><video width="640" height="360" controls poster="FILENAME_GOES_HERE.jpg">