*: {wiki: WhySoFewJobsOnWindow Why does my submit machine only run about 120 concurrent jobs?}
 *: {wiki: WhyDaemonsExitThousandThirtyEight Why do Windows daemons exit with 10038 (WSAENOTSOCK) error}
 *: {wiki: WhyWindowsFloatsFailParsing Why do floating point numbers on Windows fail to parse?}
+*: {wiki: WhyWindowsCredentialErrors Why do jobs submitted from windows have credential errors?}
+*: {wiki: WhyJobExitsOneTwentyEight Why does my job exit right away with error code 128?}
+*: {wiki: WhyWindowCanNotFindHost Why can't condor_off find my host and condor_status does not give complete hostnames?}
+*: {wiki: WhyWindowsStoreCredFail Why does condor_store_cred fail even with correct password}
+*: {wiki: WhyWindowsUnexpectedPerformanceCounter Why do daemons exit on Windows with "Unexpected Performance counter size"?}
+*: {wiki: WhyWindowsInstallerFail Why does the Windows installer fail with Error 2728. Could not access VBScript run time?}