-Then you would configure a fraction of your pool (execute machines) to use one of the sub collectors.  It is tempting to use something like {code}COLLECTOR_HOST=$RANDOM_CHOICE(collector.hostname:10002,collector.hostname:10003,collector.hostname:10004){endcode} I haven't tested that, so I am not 100% sure there are no problems with doing that.  Your schedds and negotiator should be configured with COLLECTOR_HOST equal to the main collector.
+Then you would configure a fraction of your pool (execute machines) to use one of the sub collectors. The execute machines can be manually configured, or randomly configured by using:{code}COLLECTOR_HOST=$RANDOM_CHOICE(collector.hostname:10002,collector.hostname:10003,collector.hostname:10004){endcode}
+Your schedds and negotiator should be configured with COLLECTOR_HOST equal to the main collector.
 How many sub-collectors are required?  One data point: we have successfully used 70 sub-collectors on a single machine to support a pool of 100k GSI-authenticated daemons (masters and startds) with average lifespan of 3h and network round-trip-times of 0.1s (cross-Atlantic).  The daemons in the pool were also using these collectors as their CCB servers.