+AccountingGroup = "group_physics"
-The administrator can then adjust the priority factor for the various groups using condor_userprio.  The following example sets the biology group's priority factor to be 4x that of physics, which means the physics group should get twice as big a share of the pool at steady state (for an explanation, see {link: HowToConfigureFairShare How to Configure Fair Share}).
+The administrator can then adjust the priority factor for the various groups using condor_userprio.  The following example sets the biology group's priority factor to be 4x that of physics, which means the physics group should get twice as big a share of the pool at steady state (for an explanation, see {wiki: HowToConfigureFairShare How to Configure Fair Share}).
 condor_userprio -setfactor 2.0 group_physics@wisc.edu