BOINC_Owner = backfill
 BOINC_User = backfill@your.domain
 BOINC_Arguments = -no_gui_rpc -attach_project <insert_id>
-BOINC_Output = $(BOINC_HOME)/var/$(BOINC_SLOT)/boinc.out
-BOINC_Error = $(BOINC_HOME)/var/$(BOINC_SLOT)/boinc.err
+BOINC_Output = $(BOINC_InitialDir)/boinc.out
+BOINC_Error = $(BOINC_InitialDir)/boinc.err
 BOINC_Requirements = \
    RemoteUser =?= "$(BOINC_Owner)" || \
    RemoteUser =?= "$(BOINC_User)" || \
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
 The above example starts up BOINC after 20 minutes of the slot being unclaimed. (You will see an entry in the startd logs each time the startd calls out to the fetch-work script. The note says that the job requirements were not met whenever the above requirements expression is not true.)
-The BOINC jobs will run as the backfill user. It assumes BOINC has been installed in /opt/boinc/BOINC and directories for each instance of BOINC have been created in /opt/boinc/var/slot_1, slot_2, etc. The slot_X directories should be owned by the backfill user (or whatever user you have configured the slot to run as).
+The BOINC jobs will run as the backfill user. It assumes BOINC has been installed in /opt/boinc/BOINC and directories for each instance of BOINC have been created in /opt/boinc/var/slot1, slot2, etc. The slotX directories should be owned by the backfill user (or whatever user you have configured the slot to run as).
 The fetch_work_boinc script can just be a shell script such as the following: