condor_userprio -setfactor A 1.0
-Why should the priority factor be 4 times instead of 2 times?  Recall that effective priority is the real priority times the priority factor.  A user's fair share of the pool is inversely proportional to their effective priority.  A user's real priority over time tends towards the number of machines they have been using recently.  Working backwards...  At steady state, A's real user priority will be 2x that of user B, because A will be using 2x the number of machines on average.  But we want B's <em>effective</em> priority to be 2x user A's, because that is what will allow A to be claiming 2x the number of machines as B.  This gives the following equations:
+Why should the priority factor be 4 times instead of 2 times?  Recall that effective priority is the real priority times the priority factor.  A user's fair share of the pool is inversely proportional to their effective priority.  A user's real priority over time tends towards the number of machines they have been using recently.  Working backwards...  At steady state, A's real user priority will be 2x that of user B, because A will be using 2x the number of machines on average.  But we want B's _effective_ priority to be 2x user A's, because that is what will allow A to be claiming 2x the number of machines as B.  This gives the following equations:
 PrioFactorB * RealPriorityB = 2 * PrioFactorA * RealPriorityA