-1: If you're using partitionable slots, use {wiki: FoldingAtHomeDynamicSlots this recipe} for your configuration.
 1: If you're using static slots, use {wiki: FoldingAtHomeStaticSlots this recipe} for your configuration.
+1: If you're using partitionable slots, use {wiki: FoldingAtHomeDynamicSlots this recipe} for your configuration.
+Example output showing one idle partitionable slot and 4 slots that will only run backfill jobs.
+$ condor_status example.domain
+Name                          OpSys      Arch   State     Activity LoadAv Mem     ActvtyTime
+backfill2@example.domain LINUX      X86_64 Claimed   Busy      0.000   1000  4+18:49:55
+backfill3@example.domain LINUX      X86_64 Claimed   Busy      1.000   1000  4+18:47:15
+backfill4@example.domain LINUX      X86_64 Claimed   Busy      0.000   1000  4+18:48:04
+backfill5@example.domain LINUX      X86_64 Claimed   Busy      1.000   1000  4+18:48:11
+slot1@example.domain     LINUX      X86_64 Unclaimed Idle      0.000 507340 11+19:08:11
+               Machines Owner Claimed Unclaimed Matched Preempting  Drain
+  X86_64/LINUX        5     0       4         1       0          0      0
+         Total        5     0       4         1       0          0      0