# all the slots on a server before moving to another.
 # The expression below states the following:
 #   1) First sort jobs first according to machine rank.
-    2) Next prefer slots that are unclaimed (idle) over slots
-       that are already running a job.
-#   3) Finally, prefer the slots with larger slot ids, which will
-#      tend to fill up one server at a time on pools where the execute
-#      nodes are configured to use static slots (the default)
-#   4) Next, prefer to use the highest slot number.  This will
+#   2) Next prefer slots that are unclaimed (idle) over slots
+#      that are already running a job.
+#   3) Next, prefer to use the highest slot number.  This will
 #      fill machines depth first, and is what we are adding here to the default.
-#   5) Finally, to break ties, do best fit on CPU and Memory.
+#   4) Finally, to break ties, do best fit on CPU and Memory.
 NEGOTIATOR_PRE_JOB_RANK = (10000000 * My.Rank) + \
      (1000000 * (RemoteOwner =?= UNDEFINED)) + \
      (100000 * SlotId) + \
-     (10000 * TARGET.Cpus) - TARGET.Memory
+     (10000 * Cpus) - Memory
 # If execute nodes are using partitionable slots, SlotId is always
 # equal to 1, so this knob
 # will state we want to fill fill depth first.  See http://tinyurl.com/y75k3k7p