This requires that your execute node is running Linux and that you only have one condor_startd instance running per machine.  The condor_startd does not need to have root access.  One downside of this method is even if there is no contention for CPU cores on the server, the job cannot use more cores than specified in the Cpus attribute of the slot.  That is, on an eight core machine, with only a single, one-core slot running, and otherwise idle, the job running in the one slot could only consume one core.
-{subsection: Option 1: cgroups}
+{subsection: Option 2: cgroups}
 This configuration requires a relatively recent version of Linux (RHEL 6.5 or above), only works when the HTCondor daemons have been started as root, and requires there only be one condor_startd instance running per machine.