-Note that preempted jobs will go back to idle in the job queue and will potentially try to run again if they can match to a machine.  If you instead wish to put the jobs on hold when they are evicted, either use the submit-side policy described later or, in Condor 7.3, use WANT_HOLD.  Example:
+Note that preempted jobs will go back to idle in the job queue and will potentially try to run again if they can match to a machine.  If you instead wish to put the jobs on hold when they are evicted, either use the submit-side policy described later or, in Condor 7.3+, use the expression WANT_HOLD.  One advantage of using WANT_HOLD -vs- the submit-side policy example below is the startd will evaluate these attributes much more frequently than updates are sent to the schedd. An example using WANT_HOLD :
-   ifThenElse( ($(MEMORY_EXCEEDED)) && isUndefined(MemoryRequirementsMB), \
-               "Your job used too much memory, as measured by ImageSize.  If virtual memory usage is not a reliable estimate of real memory requirements for your job, please add the attribute MemoryRequirementsMB to your job to override this check.", \
-   ifThenElse( ($(MEMORY_EXCEEDED)), \
-               "Your job used too much memory.", \
-               undefined ) )
+   ifThenElse( $(MEMORY_EXCEEDED), \
+               "Your job used too much virtual memory.", \
+               undefined )
 {subsection: How to hold/remove a job that uses too much memory}