+{section: Example to run MATLAB under HTCondor on Windows}
+[ copied from {link: https://lists.cs.wisc.edu/archive/htcondor-users/2013-February/msg00012.shtml this post to the htcondor-users email list} ]
+I've just got this to work with Matlab R2012a 64-bit on Windows 7 64-bit
+under Condor 7.6.6. This is the .bat wrapper:
+set SCRIPT=%1
+set MATLABEXE=c:\matlab2012\bin\win64\matlab
+set MATLAB=c:\matlab2012
+set TMP=%CD%
+set TEMP=%CD%
+mkdir "My Documents"
+mkdir "My Documents\MATLAB"
+set PATH=%WINDIR%\system32
+set PATH=c:\matlab2012\bin\win64;%PATH%
+start /wait %MATLABEXE% -noFigureWindows -nodesktop -nosplash -nojvm -r %SCRIPT%
+When I used the -wait option it complained about a clash with the -nojvm
+option. When I got rid of -nojvm it said it didn't recognise -wait although it still seemed to work. Anyway I've stuck with start /wait to be on the safe side. Pleasingly there are no error messages or warnings returned now.
 {section: Additional Resources}