{section: Introduction}
-This wiki page contains information about how to allow an administrator to schedule and manage services using condor.
+This wiki page contains information about how to allow an administrator to schedule and manage services using Condor (IaaS).
 {section: Configuration Options}
-*: *Chroot*
+{subsection: 1.) Local Resources}
+{subsubsection: Virtual Machine }
+The most obvious solution to this problem now-a-days is to configure a virtual machine, or "appliance", whose sole purpose is to provide a service to a IT infrastructure.  This virtual machine can then be accessed and spun on demand
+{subsubsection: Chroot jobs}
+One simple way to achieve this is through main
+{subsection: 2.) Remote Resources}
+{subsubsection: Grid/EC2 Jobs}
 {section: References}