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This wiki page contains information about how to allow an administrator to schedule and manage services using Condor (IaaS).

Configuration Options

1.) Local Resources

Virtual Machine

The most obvious solution to this problem now-a-days is to configure a virtual machine, or "appliance", whose sole purpose is to provide a service to a IT infrastructure. This virtual machine can then be accessed and spun on demand

Chroot jobs

Another way to achieve this is through the use of chroot jail. By using your package management system you can install just the desired dependencies to a location which is idea for infrastructure.

Once your chroot image is created you will need to configure

# Could be shared via NFS, or transferred
NAMED_CHROOT= httpd=/your/chroot/loc

Once your startd's have been

should_transfer_files = YES
when_to_transfer_output = ON_EXIT

RequestMemory = 256M

queue 1

2.) Remote Resources

Grid/EC2 Jobs

TODO: Update 7.7 series docs with ec2 refs.


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