Known to work with Condor version: 7.0
-One way to gracefully upgrade is to shut down the pool, install the new version of Condor, and then start it back up.  To do that, see {link: HowToShutDownCondor How to shut down condor without killing jobs}.  However, before you do that, consider the consequence of waiting for jobs to finish.  On multi-core machines, if all cores but one are idle, because you are waiting for a job to finish, this may be worse than killing everything and quickly restarting.
+One way to gracefully upgrade is to shut down the pool, install the new version of Condor, and then start it back up.  To do that, see {quote: How to shut down condor without killing jobs}.  However, before you do that, consider the consequence of waiting for jobs to finish.  On multi-core machines, if all cores but one are idle, because you are waiting for a job to finish, this may be worse than killing everything and quickly restarting.
 Another way to upgrade is to leave condor running.  Condor will automatically restart itself if the condor_master binary is updated.  To take advantage of this, configure Condor so that the path to binaries (e.g. MASTER) points to the new binaries.  One way to do that (under unix) is to use a symlink that points to the current condor installation directory (e.g. /opt/condor).  Once the new files are in place, change the symlink to point to the new directory.  If condor is configured to locate its binaries via the symlink, then after the symlink changes, condor_master will notice the new binaries and restart itself.  (How frequently it checks is controlled by {code}MASTER_CHECK_NEW_EXEC_INTERVAL{endcode} which defaults 5 minutes.)