-Amazon Web Services is deprecating support for the Node.js 4.3 runtime,
-used by *condor_annex*, on July 31, 2018.  If you ran the *condor_annex* setup
-command with a previous version, you must update your account to use the new
-runtime.  Accounts setup with version 8.79 (or later) of HTCondor will use the new runtime.  To update an already-setup account, follow the instructions below.
+Amazon Web Services is deprecating support for the Node.js 8.10 runtime,
+used by *condor_annex*.  If you ran the *condor_annex* setup
+command with a version of HTCondor before 8.8.7 or 8.9.5, you should update your account to use the new runtime.  Accounts setup with version 8.8.7 and 8.9.5 (or later) of HTCondor will use the new runtime.  To update an already-setup account, follow the instructions below.