1: Log into the machine where you run *condor_annex*.  If you can't run condor_annex immediately after logging in, do whatever you do so that you can, and then proceed to the next step.
 2: Run {code}pip install --user boto3{endcode}  This installs a Python library, if it isn't already present, needed by the script.
-3: Download the script: {code}wget https://htcondor-wiki.cs.wisc.edu/index.cgi/attach_get/1019/upgrade-runtime.py{endcode}
+3: Download the script: {code}wget https://htcondor-wiki.cs.wisc.edu/index.cgi/attach_get/1032/upgrade-runtime.py{endcode}
 4: Run it: {code}python2 ./upgrade-runtime.py{endcode}
 If the script reports a failure, contact us for assistance.