This example shows that the annex instance you requested has joined your pool.  (The default annex image configures one static slot for each CPU it finds on start-up.)
+{section: Run a Job}
+Starting in v8.7.1, the default behaviour for an annex instance is to run only jobs submitted by the user who ran the =condor_annex= command.  If you'd like to allow other users to run jobs, list them (separated by commas; be sure to include yourself) as arguments to the =-owner= flag when you start the instance.  If you're creating an annex for general use, use the =-no-owner= flag to run jobs from anyone.
+Also starting in v8.7.1, the default behaviour for an annex instance is to run only jobs which have the =MayUseAWS= attribute set (to true).  To submit a job with =MayUseAWS= set to true, add =+MayUseAWS = TRUE= to the submit file somewhere before the =queue= command.  To allow an existing job to run in the annex, use =condor_q_edit=.  For instance, if you'd like cluster 1234 to run on AWS:
+$ condor_qedit 1234 "MayUseAWS = TRUE"
+Set attribute "MayUseAWS" for 21 matching jobs.
 {section: Stop an Annex}
 The following command shuts HTCondor off on each instance in the annex; if you're using the default annex image, doing so causes each instance to shut itself down.