pending i-06928b26786dc7e6e
+{subsection: Multiple Annexes}
+The following command reports on all annex instance which have joined the pool, regardless of which annex they're from:
+$ condor_status -annex
+slot1@ip-172-31-48-84.ec2.internal  LINUX     X86_64 Unclaimed Idle 0.640 3767
+slot2@ip-172-31-48-84.ec2.internal  LINUX     X86_64 Unclaimed Idle 0.640 3767
+slot1@ip-111-48-85-13.ec2.internal  LINUX     X86_64 Unclaimed Idle 0.640 3767
+slot2@ip-111-48-85-13.ec2.internal  LINUX     X86_64 Unclaimed Idle 0.640 3767
+              Total Owner Claimed Unclaimed Matched Preempting Backfill  Drain
+ X86_64/LINUX     4     0       0         4       0          0        0      0
+        Total     4     0       0         4       0          0        0      0
+The following command reports about instance which have not joined the pool,
+regardless of which annex they're from:
+$ condor_annex -status
+NAME                        TOTAL running
+NamelessTestA                   2       2
+NamelessTestB                   3       3
+NamelessTestC                   1       1
+NAME                        STATUS  INSTANCES...
+NamelessTestA               running i-075af9ccb40efb162 i-0bc5e90066ed62dd8
+NamelessTestB               running i-02e69e85197f249c2 i-0385f59f482ae6a2e i-06191feb755963edd
+NamelessTestC               running i-09da89d40cde1f212
+The ellipsis in the last column (INSTANCES...) is to indicate that it's a very wide column and may wrap (as it will for NamelessTestB on an 80-column terminal), not that it has been truncated.
 {section: Run a Job}
 Starting in v8.7.1, the default behaviour for an annex instance is to run only jobs submitted by the user who ran the =condor_annex= command.  If you'd like to allow other users to run jobs, list them (separated by commas; be sure to include yourself) as arguments to the =-owner= flag when you start the instance.  If you're creating an annex for general use, use the =-no-owner= flag to run jobs from anyone.
@@ -113,6 +147,16 @@
 Sent "Kill-Daemon" command for "master" to master ip-172-31-48-84.ec2.internal
+{subsection: Multiple Annexes}
+The following command turns off all annex instances in your pool, regardless of which annex they're from:
+$ condor_off -annex
+Sent "Kill-Daemon" command for "master" to master ip-172-31-48-84.ec2.internal
+Sent "Kill-Daemon" command for "master" to master ip-111-48-85-13.ec2.internal
 {section: Advanced Usage}
 The information is this section is for advanced users and may not apply (or make sense) to everyone.