NamelessTestC               running i-09da89d40cde1f212
-The ellipsis in the last column (INSTANCES...) is to indicate that it's a very wide column and may wrap (as it will for NamelessTestB on an 80-column terminal), not that it has been truncated.
+The ellipsis in the last column (=INSTANCES...=) is to indicate that it's a very wide column and may wrap (as it will for NamelessTestB on an 80-column terminal), not that it has been truncated.
 {section: Run a Job}
@@ -159,8 +159,12 @@
 {section: Advanced Usage}
-The information is this section is for advanced users and may not apply (or make sense) to everyone.
+The information is this section is for advanced users and may not apply (or make sense) to everyone.  Additional information about advanced usage is available in the {link: the manual}.
 {subsection: Configure the Annex}
 You can customize the configuration of your annex.  If you pass the full path to a directory (for example, =/home/annex/config.d=) to =condor_annex= using the =-config-dir= option, condor_annex will copy the files in that directory to the HTCondor config directory on each annex instance.  This does _not_ replace the customization that =condor_annex= is already doing to configure security and tell the annex instances which pool to join; those changes will be laid down on top of (a temporary copy of) the directory you specified before being transferred to the instances.
+{subsection: Spot Fleet}
+=condor_annex= can make use of AWS' Spot Fleet to help reduce the cost of your instances.  Consult {link: the manual} for more information.  Note that v8.7.3's implementation of =condor_annex -status= is buggy and will not properly return information about Spot Fleet -based annexes.