-_[If you're using v8.7.1 or earlier, see the {wiki: HowToUseCondorAnnexWithOnDemandInstancesEightSevenOne v8.7.1 instructions}.  These instructions are for v8.7.2.  If you're using v8.7.3, see the {wiki:HowToUseCondorAnnexWithOnDemandInstancesEightSevenThree v8.7.3 instructions }]_
+_[If you're using v8.7.1 or earlier, see the {wiki: HowToUseCondorAnnexWithOnDemandInstancesEightSevenOne v8.7.1 instructions}.  These instructions are for v8.7.2.  If you're using v8.7.3, see the {wiki:HowToUseCondorAnnexWithOnDemandInstancesEightSevenThree v8.7.3 instructions}.]_
 {section: Using HTCondor Annex for the First Time}