-format '%-18.18s' 'ifThenElse(Cmd == "/path/to/matlab", Args, strcat(Cmd," ",Args))'
 	-format '\n' Owner
+Please be aware the above examples assume using a typical Unix/Linux command shell. If you are entering the above examples on Windows at a Windows Command Prompt (aka =cmd.exe=), they will not work because the quoting rules for Windows cmd.exe are different than typically found on Unix/Linux.  In general, to make the above examples work on Windows, you will want to replace instances of single quotations with a double quotation, and then escape the pre-existing double quotations by preceding them with a backslash. For example, the following command that works at a Unix shell prompt
+condor_q -format '%s\n' 'formatTime(QDate,"%m/%d %H:%M")' \
+will need to changed as follows to work at Windows cmd.exe prompt:
+condor_q -format "%s\n" "formatTime(QDate,\"%0m/%d %H:%M\")"