We have found it useful to stress-test a release candidate by giving it to Igor Sfiligoi to run in glideinWMS. This exercises a lot of HTCondor features that are important to OSG-type users: glidein, HTCondor-G, CE schedd, CCB. Igor suggested that it would be a good idea of we could run this test in-house, and we agree, so we have set up the machinery to do so. This document describes roughly how we installed it.

High-level View

glidein factory setup

Go to c157.chtc.wisc.edu. Install the factory in /data1/itb-stress. Where an unprivileged user account is needed, we are using zmiller.

Documentation for the glideinWMS factory may be found here: http://www.uscms.org/SoftwareComputing/Grid/WMS/glideinWMS/doc.v2/install/factory_install.html

cd /data1/itb-stress
cvs -d :pserver:anonymous@cdcvs.fnal.gov:/cvs/cd_read_only co -r snapshot_091214 glideinWMS

perl-Time-HiRes appears to be already installed as part of the main perl install

httpd was already installed, so just enabled it:
/sbin/chkconfig --level 3  httpd on
/etc/init.d/httpd start

wget http://atlas.bu.edu/~youssef/pacman/sample_cache/tarballs/pacman-3.28.tar.gz
tar xvzf pacman-3.28.tar.gz
cd pacman-3.28
. ./setup.sh
cd ..

mkdir osg_1_2_4
cd osg_1_2_4/

export VDTSETUP_CONDOR_CONFIG=/data1/itb-stress/personal-condor/etc/condor_config
export VDTSETUP_CONDOR_BIN=/data1/itb-stress/personal-condor/bin

pacman -get http://software.grid.iu.edu/osg-1.2:client
. ./setup.sh

ln -s /etc/grid-security/certificates globus/TRUSTED_CA

cd ..

yum install rrdtool-python

M2Crypto python module appears to be already installed
  This is older than Igor's requirements 0.17, but I am trying it to see if it works.

Download javascriptrrd-0.4.2.zip and unzip it.

Download flot-0.5.tar.gz and untar it.

I made a service cert for glideinwms and installed it in certs.  (I used the following command.)
cert-gridadmin -email dan@hep.wisc.edu -affiliation osg -vo glow -host c157.chtc.wisc.edu -service glideinwms

A proxy for the factory may be made with this command:
grid-proxy-init -cert certs/c157.chtc.wisc.edu_glideinwms_cert.pem -key certs/c157.chtc.wisc.edu_glideinwms_key.pem -hours 100 -out certs/c157.chtc.wisc.edu_proxy.pem

cd glideinWMS/install
chown zmiller /data1/itb-stress
su zmiller

choose [4] pool Collector
Where do you have the HTCondor tarball? /afs/cs.wisc.edu/p/condor/public/binaries/v7.4/7.4.1/condor-7.4.1-linux-x86_64-rhel5-dynamic.tar.gz

Where do you want to install it?: [/home/zmiller/glidecondor] /data1/itb-stress/glidecondor
Where are the trusted CAs installed?: [/data1/itb-stress/osg_1_2_4/globus/TRUSTED_CA] /etc/grid-security/certificates

Will you be using a proxy or a cert? (proxy/cert) cert
Where is your certificate located?: /data1/itb-stress/certs/c157.chtc.wisc.edu_glideinwms_cert.pem
Where is your certificate key located?: /data1/itb-stress/certs/c157.chtc.wisc.edu_glideinwms_key.pem

What name would you like to use for this pool?: [My pool] ITB-Stress
How many secondary schedds do you want?: [9]

In this version of glideinWMS, the condor_config.local needs to be edited
to replace HOSTALLOW with ALLOW.

[2] Glidein Factory

Where is your proxy located?: /data1/itb-stress/certs/c157.chtc.wisc.edu_proxy.pem
Where will you host your config and log files?: [/home/zmiller/glideinsubmit] /data1/itb-stress/glideinsubmit

Give a name to this Glidein Factory?: [mySites-c157] ITB-Stress

Do you want to use CCB (requires HTCondor 7.3.0 or better)?: (y/n) y
Do you want to use gLExec?: (y/n) n
Force VO frontend to provide its own proxy?: (y/n) [y]
Do you want to fetch entries from RESS?: (y/n) [n]
Do you want to fetch entries from BDII?: (y/n) [n]

Entry name (leave empty when finished): ITB
Gatekeeper for 'ITB': vdt-itb.cs.wisc.edu/jobmanager-condornfslite
RSL for 'ITB':
Work dir for 'ITB':
Site name for 'ITB': [ITB]

Should glideins use the more efficient Match authentication (works for HTCondor v7.1.3 and later)?: (y/n) y
Do you want to create the glidein (as opposed to just the config file)?: (y/n) [n]

/data1/itb-stress/glideinWMS/creation/create_glidein /data1/itb-stress/glideinsubmit/glidein_v1_0.cfg/glideinWMS.xml

Submit files can be found in /data1/itb-stress/glideinsubmit/glidein_v1_0
Support files are in /var/www/html/glidefactory/stage/glidein_v1_0
Monitoring files are in /var/www/html/glidefactory/monitor/glidein_v1_0

cd /data1/itb-stress
# make setup.sh set X509_CERT_DIR and X509_USER_PROXY
. ./setup.sh
glideinsubmit/glidein_v1_0/factory_startup start

I added the following entries to glidecondor/certs/condor_mapfile:
GSI "/DC=org/DC=doegrids/OU=Services/CN=glideinwms/c158.chtc.wisc.edu" vofrontend
FS zmiller gfactory

The FS mapping of zmiller to gfactory appears to be necessary to make the factory
ad have AuthenticatedIdentity gfactory, which is what I configured the VO frontend
to expect.  Not sure why it is using FS to authenticate to the collector though.

Initially, the glideins were failing on startup because the -dir argument to glidein_startup.sh
had no argument.  We edited the factory xml file and set the directory to '.':

bash-3.2$ vi ../glidein_v1_0.cfg/glideinWMS.xml
bash-3.2$ ./factory_startup reconfig ../glidein_v1_0.cfg/glideinWMS.xml
Shutting down glideinWMS factory v1_0@ITB-Stress:          [OK]
Reconfigured glidein 'v1_0'
Active entries are:  ITB
Submit files are in /data1/itb-stress/glideinsubmit/glidein_v1_0
Reconfiguring the factory                                  [OK]
Starting glideinWMS factory v1_0@ITB-Stress:               [OK]

Then the glideins failed to run because glidein_startup.sh could not find the
worker node client software, because the ITB gatekeeper does not point this at
a shared location.  I added a few lines to the top of /data1/itb-stress
/glideinsubmit/glidein_v1_0/glidein_submit.sh to hack around this problem:

#Dan hack:
if ! [ -f "${OSG_GRID}" ]; then

I had to remove the gass cache on the CE to make this change take effect!

Then there was a problem with the glidein HTCondor binaries being incompatible with the SL4 machines in CHTC.  To change the binaries used by the glidein:

I unpackd the desired HTCondor tarball and named it
/data1/itb-stress/condor_versions/7.4.1_x86_rhel3.  I then edited
glideinsubmit/glidein_v1_0.cfg/glideinWMS.xml.  Remove the existing entry in
condor_tarballs and replace with this:

<condor_tarball arch="default" os="default" base_dir="/data1/itb-stress/condor_versions/7.4.1_x86_rhel3" />

Then reconfig the factory:

./factory_startup reconfig ../glidein_v1_0.cfg/glideinWMS.xml

Note that this will slightly rewrite the entry we just added to glideinWMS.xml
to insert the tar_file that it generates.

submit node setup

The submit node is c158.chtc.wisc.edu.

The documentation for setting up the glideinWMS VO frontend and pool collector are here: http://www.uscms.org/SoftwareComputing/Grid/WMS/glideinWMS/doc.v2/install/

This node will run the glidein pool collector, the schedd that submits jobs, and the
glideinWMS VO frontend.

Install all the same glideinWMS prereqs as on c057.

I made a service cert for glideinwms and installed it in certs.  (I used the following command.)
cert-gridadmin -email dan@hep.wisc.edu -affiliation osg -vo glow -host c158.chtc.wisc.edu -service glideinwms

To create the proxy used by the VO frontend:
grid-proxy-init -cert certs/c158.chtc.wisc.edu_glideinwms_cert.pem -key certs/c158.chtc.wisc.edu_glideinwms_key.pem -hours 100 -out certs/c158.chtc.wisc.edu_proxy.pem

cd glideinWMS/install/

[4] User Pool Collector
[5] User Schedd
Please select: 4,5

Where do you have the HTCondor tarball? /afs/cs.wisc.edu/p/condor/public/binaries/v7.4/7.4.1/condor-7.4.1-linux-x86_64-rhel5-dynamic.tar.gz

Where do you want to install it?: [/home/zmiller/glidecondor] /data1/itb-stress/glidecondor

Do you want to split the config files between condor_config and condor_config.local?: (y/n) [y] y

Do you want to get it from VDT?: (y/n) n
Where are the trusted CAs installed?: [/etc/grid-security/certificates]

Where is your certificate located?: /data1/itb-stress/certs/c158.chtc.wisc.edu_glideinwms_cert.pem
Where is your certificate key located?: /data1/itb-stress/certs/c158.chtc.wisc.edu_glideinwms_key.pem

How many slave collectors do you want?: [5] 50
What name would you like to use for this pool?: [My pool] ITB-Stress-Submit
What port should the collector be running?: [9618]

(I had to hand edit condor_config.local to change HOSTALLOW --> ALLOW)

Installing user submit schedds

Do you want to use the more efficient Match authentication (works for HTCondor v7.1.3 and later)?: (y/n) y
How many secondary schedds do you want?: [9]

[7] VO Frontend

Where is javascriptRRD installed?: /data1/itb-stress/javascriptrrd-0.4.2

Where is your proxy located?: /data1/itb-stress/certs/c158.chtc.wisc.edu_proxy.pem

For security reasons, we need to know what will the WMS collector map us to.
It will likely be something like joe@collector1.myorg.com
What is the mapped name?: vofrontend@c157.chtc.wisc.edu
Where will you host your config and log files?: [/home/zmiller/frontstage] /data1/itb-stress/frontstage

Where will the web data be hosted?: [/var/www/html/vofrontend]

What node is the WMS collector running?: c157.chtc.wisc.edu
What is the classad identity of the glidein factory?: [gfactory@c157.chtc.wisc.edu]

Collector name(s): [c158.chtc.wisc.edu:9618]c158.chtc.wisc.edu:9618c158.chtc.wisc.edu:9620-9669

What kind of jobs do you want to monitor?: [(JobUniverse==5)&&(GLIDEIN_Is_Monitor =!= TRUE)&&(JOB_Is_Monitor =!= TRUE)]

The following schedds have been found:
 [1] c158.chtc.wisc.edu
 [2] schedd_jobs1@c158.chtc.wisc.edu
 [3] schedd_jobs2@c158.chtc.wisc.edu
 [4] schedd_jobs3@c158.chtc.wisc.edu
 [5] schedd_jobs4@c158.chtc.wisc.edu
 [6] schedd_jobs5@c158.chtc.wisc.edu
 [7] schedd_jobs6@c158.chtc.wisc.edu
 [8] schedd_jobs7@c158.chtc.wisc.edu
 [9] schedd_jobs8@c158.chtc.wisc.edu
 [10] schedd_jobs9@c158.chtc.wisc.edu
Do you want to monitor all of them?: (y/n) y

What kind of jobs do you want to monitor?: [(JobUniverse==5)&&(GLIDEIN_Is_Monitor =!= TRUE)&&(JOB_Is_Monitor =!= TRUE)]
Give a name to the main group: [main]
Match string: [True]

VO frontend proxy = '/data1/itb-stress/certs/c158.chtc.wisc.edu_proxy.pem'
Do you want to use it to submit glideins: (y/n) [y]

/data1/itb-stress/glideinWMS/creation/create_frontend /data1/itb-stress/frontstage/instance_v1_0.cfg/frontend.xml
Work files can be found in /data1/itb-stress/frontstage/frontend_myVO-c158-v1_0
Support files are in /var/www/html/vofrontend/stage/frontend_myVO-c158-v1_0
Monitoring files are in /var/www/html/vofrontend/monitor/frontend_myVO-c158-v1_0

Added /DC=org/DC=doegrids/OU=Services/CN=glideinwms/c157.chtc.wisc.edu to GSI_DAEMON_NAME.

# To start it up:
cd frontstage/frontend_myVO-c158-v1_0/
./frontend_startup start

# Logs are in

setting up CE

The CE on vdt-itb.cs.wisc.edu was already set up except for a HTCondor jobmanager.


1) installed condor-rhel5.repo into /etc/yum.repo.d

2) yum install condor

3) edit /etc/condor/condor_config?

4) edit /etc/condor/condor_config.local
   change CONDOR_HOST = chopin.cs.wisc.edu
   change COLLECTOR_HOST = $(CONDOR_HOST):15396

5) export CONDOR_CONFIG=/etc/condor/condor_config

6) /usr/sbin/condor_master

okay, that's working.


7) cd /opt/itb

8) DO NOT DO THIS: pacman -trust-all-caches -get http://software.grid.iu.edu/osg-1.1.14:Globus-Condor-Setup

9) do:
 [root@vdt-itb ~]# export CONDOR_CONFIG=/etc/condor/condor_config
 [root@vdt-itb ~]# export VDT_CONDOR_LOCATION=/usr
 [root@vdt-itb ~]# export VDT_CONDOR_CONFIG=/etc/condor/condor_config

10) cd /opt/itb/

11)   pacman -install http://vdt.cs.wisc.edu/vdt_2099_cache:Globus-CondorNFSLite-Setup

12)   $VDT_LOCATION/globus/lib/perl/Globus/GRAM/JobManager/condornfslite.pm
	update condor_config location, condor_rm, condor_submit

13) edit $VDT_LOCATION/edg/etc/grid-mapfile-local, add DNs
14) run $VDT_LOCATION/edg/sbin/edg-mkgridmap