Page History

Turn Off History

This is a collection of various magic numbers in Condor- and Grid-related software. These are mostly extracted from the source files for the software in question.

Originally written by Alan De Smet. Expanded by Jaime Frey.



JobUniverse in job ClassAds

0 Min A placeholder, not a universe
1 Standard Single process relinked jobs
2 Pipe A placeholder, no longer used
3 Linda A placeholder, no longer used
4 PVM Parallel Virtual Machine apps
5 Vanilla Single process non-relinked jobs
6 PVMD PVM daemon process
7 Scheduler A job run under the schedd
8 MPI Message Passing Interface jobs
9 Grid / Globus Jobs managed by condor_gridmanager (V6.6: always Globus, V6.7: grid_type=gt2, gt3, gt4, condor, oracle, nordugrid...)
10 Java Jobs for the Java Virtual Machine
11 Parallel Generalized parallel jobs
12 Local A job run under the schedd using a starter (advanced form of Scheduler)
13 Max A placeholder, not a universe

Job Status

JobStatus in job ClassAds

0 Unexpanded U
1 Idle I
2 Running R
3 Removed X
4 Completed C
5 Held H
6 Submission_err E


JobNotification in job ClassAds

0 Never
1 Always
2 Complete
3 Error

Shadow exit status

(Source: h/exit.h)

Value Name Description
4 JOB_EXCEPTION The job exited with an exception
44 DPRINTF_ERROR There is a fatal error with dprintf()
100 JOB_EXITED The job exited (not killed)
101 JOB_CKPTED The job was checkpointed
102 JOB_KILLED The job was killed
103 JOB_COREDUMPED The job was killed and a core file produced
105 JOB_NO_MEM Not enough memory to start the shadow
106 JOB_SHADOW_USAGE incorrect arguments to condor_shadow
107 JOB_NOT_CKPTED The job was kicked off without a checkpoint
107 JOB_SHOULD_REQUEUE (!) We define this to the same number, since we want the same behavior. However, "JOB_NOT_CKPTED" doesn't mean much if we're not a standard universe job. The effect of this exit code is that we want the job to be put back in the job queue and run again.
108 JOB_NOT_STARTED Can't connect to startd or request refused
109 JOB_BAD_STATUS Job status != RUNNING on startup
110 JOB_EXEC_FAILED Exec failed for some reason other than ENOMEM
111 JOB_NO_CKPT_FILE There is no checkpoint file (lost)
112 JOB_SHOULD_HOLD The job should be put on hold
113 JOB_SHOULD_REMOVE The job should be removed

Job Hold Reason Codes

(Source: src/condor_c++_util/condor_holdcodes.h)

Value Reason SubCode Contents
0 Unspecified N/A
1 UserRequest N/A
2 GlobusGramError GRAM error code
3 JobPolicy N/A
4 CorruptedCredential N/A
5 JobPolicyUndefined N/A
6 FailedToCreateProcess Unix errno
7 UnableToOpenOutput Unix errno
8 UnableToOpenInput Unix errno
9 UnableToOpenOutputStream Unix errno
10 UnableToOpenInputStream Unix errno
11 InvalidTransferAck N/A
12 DownloadFileError Unix errno
13 UploadFileError Unix errno
14 IwdError Unix errno
15 SubmittedOnHold N/A
16 SpoolingInput N/A

Log event codes

Submit 0
Execute 1
Executable error 2
Checkpointed 3
Job evicted 4
Job terminated 5
Image size 6
Shadow exception 7
Generic 8
Job aborted 9
Job suspended 10
Job unsuspended 11
Job held 12
Job released 13
Node execute 14
Node terminated 15
Post script terminated 16
Globus submit 17
Globus submit failed 18
Globus resource up 19
Globus resource down 20
Remote error 21
Job disconnected 22
Job reconnected 23
Job reconnect failed 24
Grid resource up 25
Grid resource down 26
Grid submit 27

{subseciton: Starters and Shadows}

Shadow Starter Universe
jim jim PVM
V6 V5 Standard
V6.1 V6.1 Everything else

Queue-Management Commands

Number Action
10001 InitializeConnection
10002 NewCluster
10003 NewProc
10004 DestroyCluster
10005 DestroyProc
10006 SetAttribute
10007 CloseConnection
10008 GetAttributeFloat
10009 GetAttributeInt
10010 GetAttributeString
10011 GetAttributeExpr
10012 DeleteAttribute
10013 GetNextJob
10014 FirstAttribute
10015 NextAttribute
10016 DestroyClusterByConstraint
10017 SendSpoolFile
10018 GetJobAd
10019 GetJobByConstraint
10020 GetNextJobByConstraint
10021 SetAttributeByConstraint
10022 InitializeReadOnlyConnection
10023 BeginTransaction
10024 AbortTransaction
10025 SetTimerAttribute

ClassAd Log Commands

Number Action
101 NewClassAd
102 DestroyClassAd
103 SetAttribute
104 DeleteAttribute
105 BeginTransaction
106 EndTransaction

DaemonCore Commands and Signals

From condor_includes/condor_commands.h
Name Number
DC_NOP 60011

CEDAR Authentication Methods

From condor_includes/condor_auth.h and condor_io/condor_secman.C
Name Number
FS 4
GSI 32
SSL 256


GRAM Error Codes

From Globus 2.2.4, globus_gram_protocol-5.0/globus_gram_protocol_constants.h and globus_gram_protocol_error.c

1 PARAMETER_NOT_SUPPORTED one of the RSL parameters is not supported
2 INVALID_REQUEST the RSL length is greater than the maximum allowed
3 NO_RESOURCES an I/O operation failed
4 BAD_DIRECTORY jobmanager unable to set default to the directory requested
5 EXECUTABLE_NOT_FOUND the executable does not exist
7 AUTHORIZATION authentication with the remote server failed
8 USER_CANCELLED the user cancelled the job
9 SYSTEM_CANCELLED the system cancelled the job
10 PROTOCOL_FAILED data transfer to the server failed
11 STDIN_NOT_FOUND the stdin file does not exist
12 CONNECTION_FAILED the connection to the server failed (check host and port)
13 INVALID_MAXTIME the provided RSL 'maxtime' value is not an integer
14 INVALID_COUNT the provided RSL 'count' value is not an integer
15 NULL_SPECIFICATION_TREE the job manager received an invalid RSL
16 JM_FAILED_ALLOW_ATTACH the job manager failed in allowing others to make contact
17 JOB_EXECUTION_FAILED the job failed when the job manager attempted to run it
18 INVALID_PARADYN an invalid paradyn was specified
19 INVALID_JOBTYPE the provided RSL 'jobtype' value is invalid
20 INVALID_GRAM_MYJOB the provided RSL 'myjob' value is invalid
21 BAD_SCRIPT_ARG_FILE the job manager failed to locate an internal script argument file
22 ARG_FILE_CREATION_FAILED the job manager failed to create an internal script argument file
23 INVALID_JOBSTATE the job manager detected an invalid job state
24 INVALID_SCRIPT_REPLY the job manager detected an invalid script response
25 INVALID_SCRIPT_STATUS the job manager detected an invalid script status
26 JOBTYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED the provided RSL 'jobtype' value is not supported by this job manager
28 TEMP_SCRIPT_FILE_FAILED the job manager failed to create an internal script submission file
29 USER_PROXY_NOT_FOUND the job manager cannot find the user proxy
30 OPENING_USER_PROXY the job manager failed to open the user proxy
31 JOB_CANCEL_FAILED the job manager failed to cancel the job as requested
32 MALLOC_FAILED system memory allocation failed
33 DUCT_INIT_FAILED the interprocess job communication initialization failed
34 DUCT_LSP_FAILED the interprocess job communication setup failed
35 INVALID_HOST_COUNT the provided RSL 'host count' value is invalid
36 UNSUPPORTED_PARAMETER one of the provided RSL parameters is unsupported
37 INVALID_QUEUE the provided RSL 'queue' parameter is invalid
38 INVALID_PROJECT the provided RSL 'project' parameter is invalid
39 RSL_EVALUATION_FAILED the provided RSL string includes variables that could not be identified
40 BAD_RSL_ENVIRONMENT the provided RSL 'environment' parameter is invalid
41 DRYRUN the provided RSL 'dryrun' parameter is invalid
42 ZERO_LENGTH_RSL the provided RSL is invalid (an empty string)
43 STAGING_EXECUTABLE the job manager failed to stage the executable
44 STAGING_STDIN the job manager failed to stage the stdin file
45 INVALID_JOB_MANAGER_TYPE the requested job manager type is invalid
46 BAD_ARGUMENTS the provided RSL 'arguments' parameter is invalid
47 GATEKEEPER_MISCONFIGURED the gatekeeper failed to run the job manager
48 BAD_RSL the provided RSL could not be properly parsed
49 VERSION_MISMATCH there is a version mismatch between GRAM components
50 RSL_ARGUMENTS the provided RSL 'arguments' parameter is invalid
51 RSL_COUNT the provided RSL 'count' parameter is invalid

52 RSL_DIRECTORY the provided RSL 'directory' parameter is invalid 53 RSL_DRYRUN the provided RSL 'dryrun' parameter is invalid 54 RSL_ENVIRONMENT the provided RSL 'environment' parameter is invalid 55 RSL_EXECUTABLE the provided RSL 'executable' parameter is invalid 56 RSL_HOST_COUNT the provided RSL 'host_count' parameter is invalid 57 RSL_JOBTYPE the provided RSL 'jobtype' parameter is invalid 58 RSL_MAXTIME the provided RSL 'maxtime' parameter is invalid 59 RSL_MYJOB the provided RSL 'myjob' parameter is invalid 60 RSL_PARADYN the provided RSL 'paradyn' parameter is invalid 61 RSL_PROJECT the provided RSL 'project' parameter is invalid 62 RSL_QUEUE the provided RSL 'queue' parameter is invalid 63 RSL_STDERR the provided RSL 'stderr' parameter is invalid 64 RSL_STDIN the provided RSL 'stdin' parameter is invalid 65 RSL_STDOUT the provided RSL 'stdout' parameter is invalid 66 OPENING_JOBMANAGER_SCRIPT the job manager failed to locate an internal script 67 CREATING_PIPE the job manager failed on the system call pipe() 68 FCNTL_FAILED the job manager failed on the system call fcntl() 69 STDOUT_FILENAME_FAILED the job manager failed to create the temporary stdout filename 70 STDERR_FILENAME_FAILED the job manager failed to create the temporary stderr filename 71 FORKING_EXECUTABLE the job manager failed on the system call fork() 72 EXECUTABLE_PERMISSIONS the executable file permissions do not allow execution 73 OPENING_STDOUT the job manager failed to open stdout 74 OPENING_STDERR the job manager failed to open stderr 75 OPENING_CACHE_USER_PROXY the cache file could not be opened in order to relocate the user proxy 76 OPENING_CACHE cannot access cache files in ~/.globus/.gass_cache, check permissions, quota, and disk space 77 INSERTING_CLIENT_CONTACT the job manager failed to insert the contact in the client contact list 78 CLIENT_CONTACT_NOT_FOUND the contact was not found in the job manager's client contact list 79 CONTACTING_JOB_MANAGER connecting to the job manager failed. Possible reasons: job terminated, invalid job contact, network problems, ... 80 INVALID_JOB_CONTACT the syntax of the job contact is invalid 81 UNDEFINED_EXE the executable parameter in the RSL is undefined 82 CONDOR_ARCH the job manager service is misconfigured. condor arch undefined 83 CONDOR_OS the job manager service is misconfigured. condor os undefined 84 RSL_MIN_MEMORY the provided RSL 'min_memory' parameter is invalid 85 RSL_MAX_MEMORY the provided RSL 'max_memory' parameter is invalid 86 INVALID_MIN_MEMORY the RSL 'min_memory' value is not zero or greater 87 INVALID_MAX_MEMORY the RSL 'max_memory' value is not zero or greater 88 HTTP_FRAME_FAILED the creation of a HTTP message failed 89 HTTP_UNFRAME_FAILED parsing incoming HTTP message failed 90 HTTP_PACK_FAILED the packing of information into a HTTP message failed 91 HTTP_UNPACK_FAILED an incoming HTTP message did not contain the expected information 92 INVALID_JOB_QUERY the job manager does not support the service that the client requested 93 SERVICE_NOT_FOUND the gatekeeper failed to find the requested service 94 JOB_QUERY_DENIAL the jobmanager does not accept any new requests (shutting down) 95 CALLBACK_NOT_FOUND the client failed to close the listener associated with the callback URL 96 BAD_GATEKEEPER_CONTACT the gatekeeper contact cannot be parsed 97 POE_NOT_FOUND the job manager could not find the 'poe' command 98 MPIRUN_NOT_FOUND the job manager could not find the 'mpirun' command 99 RSL_START_TIME the provided RSL 'start_time' parameter is invalid 100 RSL_RESERVATION_HANDLE the provided RSL 'reservation_handle' parameter is invalid 101 RSL_MAX_WALL_TIME the provided RSL 'max_wall_time' parameter is invalid 102 INVALID_MAX_WALL_TIME the RSL 'max_wall_time' value is not zero or greater 103 RSL_MAX_CPU_TIME the provided RSL 'max_cpu_time' parameter is invalid 104 INVALID_MAX_CPU_TIME the RSL 'max_cpu_time' value is not zero or greater 105 JM_SCRIPT_NOT_FOUND the job manager is misconfigured, a scheduler script is missing 106 JM_SCRIPT_PERMISSIONS the job manager is misconfigured, a scheduler script has invalid permissions 107 SIGNALING_JOB the job manager failed to signal the job 108 UNKNOWN_SIGNAL_TYPE the job manager did not recognize/support the signal type 109 GETTING_JOBID the job manager failed to get the job id from the local scheduler 110 WAITING_FOR_COMMIT the job manager is waiting for a commit signal 111 COMMIT_TIMED_OUT the job manager timed out while waiting for a commit signal 112 RSL_SAVE_STATE the provided RSL 'save_state' parameter is invalid 113 RSL_RESTART the provided RSL 'restart' parameter is invalid 114 RSL_TWO_PHASE_COMMIT the provided RSL 'two_phase' parameter is invalid 115 INVALID_TWO_PHASE_COMMIT the RSL 'two_phase' value is not zero or greater 116 RSL_STDOUT_POSITION the provided RSL 'stdout_position' parameter is invalid 117 INVALID_STDOUT_POSITION the RSL 'stdout_position' value is not zero or greater 118 RSL_STDERR_POSITION the provided RSL 'stderr_position' parameter is invalid 119 INVALID_STDERR_POSITION the RSL 'stderr_position' value is not zero or greater 120 RESTART_FAILED the job manager restart attempt failed 121 NO_STATE_FILE the job state file doesn't exist 122 READING_STATE_FILE could not read the job state file 123 WRITING_STATE_FILE could not write the job state file 124 OLD_JM_ALIVE old job manager is still alive 125 TTL_EXPIRED job manager state file TTL expired 126 SUBMIT_UNKNOWN it is unknown if the job was submitted 127 RSL_REMOTE_IO_URL the provided RSL 'remote_io_url' parameter is invalid 128 WRITING_REMOTE_IO_URL could not write the remote io url file 129 STDIO_SIZE the standard output/error size is different 130 JM_STOPPED the job manager was sent a stop signal (job is still running) 131 USER_PROXY_EXPIRED the user proxy expired (job is still running) 132 JOB_UNSUBMITTED the job was not submitted by original jobmanager 133 INVALID_COMMIT the job manager is not waiting for that commit signal 134 RSL_SCHEDULER_SPECIFIC the provided RSL scheduler specific parameter is invalid 135 STAGE_IN_FAILED the job manager could not stage in a file 136 INVALID_SCRATCH the scratch directory could not be created 137 RSL_CACHE the provided 'gass_cache' parameter is invalid 138 INVALID_SUBMIT_ATTRIBUTE the RSL contains attributes which are not valid for job submission 139 INVALID_STDIO_UPDATE_ATTRIBUTE the RSL contains attributes which are not valid for stdio update 140 INVALID_RESTART_ATTRIBUTE the RSL contains attributes which are not valid for job restart 141 RSL_FILE_STAGE_IN the provided RSL 'file_stage_in' parameter is invalid 142 RSL_FILE_STAGE_IN_SHARED the provided RSL 'file_stage_in_shared' parameter is invalid 143 RSL_FILE_STAGE_OUT the provided RSL 'file_stage_out' parameter is invalid 144 RSL_GASS_CACHE the provided RSL 'gass_cache' parameter is invalid 145 RSL_FILE_CLEANUP the provided RSL 'file_cleanup' parameter is invalid 146 RSL_SCRATCH the provided RSL 'scratch_dir' parameter is invalid 147 INVALID_SCHEDULER_SPECIFIC the provided scheduler-specific RSL parameter is invalid 148 UNDEFINED_ATTRIBUTE a required RSL attribute was not defined in the RSL spec 149 INVALID_CACHE the gass_cache attribute points to an invalid cache directory 150 INVALID_SAVE_STATE the provided RSL 'save_state' parameter has an invalid value 151 OPENING_VALIDATION_FILE the job manager could not open the RSL attribute validation file 152 READING_VALIDATION_FILE the job manager could not read the RSL attribute validation file 153 RSL_PROXY_TIMEOUT the provided RSL 'proxy_timeout' is invalid 154 INVALID_PROXY_TIMEOUT the RSL 'proxy_timeout' value is not greater than zero 155 STAGE_OUT_FAILED the job manager could not stage out a file 156 JOB_CONTACT_NOT_FOUND the job contact string does not match any which the job manager is handling 157 DELEGATION_FAILED proxy delegation failed 158 LOCKING_STATE_LOCK_FILE the job manager could not lock the state lock file 159 INVALID_ATTR an invalid globus_io_clientattr_t was used. 160 NULL_PARAMETER an null parameter was passed to the gram library 161 STILL_STREAMING the job manager is still streaming output 162 AUTHORIZATION_DENIED the authorization system denied the request 163 AUTHORIZATION_SYSTEM_FAILURE the authorization system reported a failure 164 AUTHORIZATION_DENIED_JOB_ID the authorization system denied the request - invalid job id 165 AUTHORIZATION_DENIED_EXECUTABLE the authorization system denied the request - not authorized to run the specified executable 166 RSL_USER_NAME the provided RSL 'user_name' parameter is invalid. 167 INVALID_USER_NAME the job is not running in the account named by the 'user_name' parameter. 168 LAST

GRAM Job States

1 PENDING The job is waiting for resources to become available to run.
2 ACTIVE The job has received resources and the application is executing.
4 FAILED The job terminated before completion because an error, user-triggered cancel, or system-triggered cancel.
8 DONE The job completed successfully
16 SUSPENDED The job has been suspended. Resources which were allocated for this job may have been released due to some scheduler-specific reason.
32 UNSUBMITTED The job has not been submitted to the scheduler yet, pending the reception of the GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_JOB_SIGNAL_COMMIT_REQUEST signal from a client.
64 STAGE_IN The job manager is staging in files to run the job.
128 STAGE_OUT The job manager is staging out files generated by the job.
0xFFFFF ALL A mask of all job states.

GRAM Signals

globus_gram_protocol_job_signal_t GRAM Signals

1 CANCEL Cancel a job
2 SUSPEND Suspend a job
3 RESUME Resume a previously suspended job
4 PRIORITY Change the priority of a job
5 COMMIT_REQUEST Signal the job manager to commence with a job submission if the job request was accompanied by the (two_state=yes) RSL attribute.
6 COMMIT_EXTEND Signal the job manager to wait an additional number of seconds (specified by an integer value string as the signal's argument) before timing out a two-phase job commit.
7 STDIO_UPDATE Signal the job manager to change the way it is currently handling standard output and/or standard error. The argument for this signal is an RSL containing new @a stdout, @a stderr, @a stdout_position, @a stderr_position, or @a remote_io_url relations.
8 STDIO_SIZE Signal the job manager to verify that streamed I/O has been completely received. The argument to this signal contains the number of bytes of stdout and stderr received, seperated by a space. The reply to this signal will be a SUCCESS message if these matched the amount sent by the job manager. Otherwise, an error reply indicating GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_STDIO_SIZE is returned. If standard output and standard error are merged, only one number should be sent as an argument to this signal. An argument of -1 for either stream size indicates that the client is not interested in the size of that stream.
9 STOP_MANAGER Signal the job manager to stop managing the current job and terminate. The job continues to run as normal. The job manager will send a state change callback with the job status being FAILED and the error GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_JM_STOPPED.
10 COMMIT_END Signal the job manager to clean up after the completion of the job if the job RSL contained the (two-phase = yes) relation.


Well Known Ports

condor negotiator 9614 (obsolete, dynamic in 6.7.x)
condor collector 9618
GT2 gatekeeper 2119
gridftp 2811
GT4 web services 8443