|4	|PRIORITY	 |Change the priority of a job|
 |5	|COMMIT_REQUEST	 |Signal the job manager to commence with a job submission if the job request was accompanied by the (two_state=yes) RSL attribute.|
 |6	|COMMIT_EXTEND	 |Signal the job manager to wait an additional number of seconds (specified by an integer value string as the signal's argument) before timing out a two-phase job commit.|
-|7	|STDIO_UPDATE	 |Signal the job manager to change the way it is currently handling standard output and/or standard error. The argument for this signal is an RSL containing new @a stdout, @a stderr, @a stdout_position, @a stderr_position, or @a remote_io_url relations.|
+|7	|STDIO_UPDATE	 |Signal the job manager to change the way it is currently handling standard output and/or standard error. The argument for this signal is an RSL containing new stdout, stderr, stdout_position, stderr_position, or remote_io_url relations.|
 |8	|STDIO_SIZE	 |Signal the job manager to verify that streamed I/O has been completely received. The argument to this signal contains the number of bytes of stdout and stderr received, seperated by a space. The reply to this signal will be a SUCCESS message if these matched the amount sent by the job manager. Otherwise, an error reply indicating GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_STDIO_SIZE is returned. If standard output and standard error are merged, only one number should be sent as an argument to this signal. An argument of -1 for either stream size indicates that the client is not interested in the size of that stream.|
 |9	|STOP_MANAGER	 |Signal the job manager to stop managing the current job and terminate. The job continues to run as normal. The job manager will send a state change callback with the job status being FAILED and the error GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR_JM_STOPPED.|
 |10	|COMMIT_END	 |Signal the job manager to clean up after the completion of the job if the job RSL contained the (two-phase = yes) relation.|