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Contributions, either code patches or documentation, are welcomed from the community.

First, make sure you have a signed Contributor License Agreement (CLA) on file with UW-Madison. Print out a copy, review and sign it to indicate your agreement, then get it back to us. The easiest way to get it to us is to scan it into a PDF and email it to


with a Subject of "Contributor License Agreement". When your CLA is received, a an account will be created for you on this wiki (if you don't already have one) which will enable you to create and edit developer tickets.

For documentation contributions,

  1. Send a request to the condor-devel mailing list mailing list, and an administrator will help you

For code contributions,

  1. Grab the source code! Also helpful to refer to BuildingHtcondorOnUnix and/or BuildingHtcondorOnWindows
  2. Open a ticket for discussing your contribution (either enhancement or bug fix); you can read about our ticket process here or by clicking [Help] at the top of the new ticket page. If your contribution is a small/trivial patch or bugfix, you could simply attach a patch file directly to the ticket page (at the top of the ticket page, select Attach). If your change is an enhancement (new feature) or large bug fix, you will need to author and attach a design document to the ticket page for architecture review and get it approved before code contributions will be accepted. It is appreciated if you openly discuss design with committers via the htcondor-devel mailing list.
  3. Send an email to the htcondor-devel mailing list announcing your ticket to find a committer to help you
  4. Make sure: you work with a committer, your code compiles on all platforms, your code meets guidelines, you include test a procedure
  5. Assign your ticket to the committer and change its status to review

Your code contributions will be much more happily received if you observe the following guidelines: