 :ref:`My custom link text goes here<path/to/document:section title>`
+{subsection: Documenting Python Objects}
+Python "objects" (classes, methods, free functions, enums, anything) are documented via =sphinx-autodoc= (https://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/usage/extensions/autodoc.html). "Docstrings" for these objects are written directly into the Python bindings C++ source code, are embedded into the Python library during the HTCondor build process, and are then read by Sphinx during the manual build.
+As an example, a method declaration (adding a method to a class) looks like this in the C++ source code:
+.def("queue_with_itemdata", &Submit::queue_from_iter,
+            R"C0ND0R(
+            Submit the current object to a remote queue.
+            :param txn: An active transaction object (see :meth:`Schedd.transaction`).
+            :type txn: :class:`Transaction`
+            :param int count: A queue count for each item from the iterator, defaults to 1.
+            :param from: an iterator of strings or dictionaries containing the itemdata
+                for each job as in ``queue in`` or ``queue from``.
+            :return: a :class:`SubmitResult`, containing the cluster ID, cluster ClassAd and
+                range of Job ids Cluster ID of the submitted job(s).
+            :rtype: :class:`SubmitResult`
+            :raises RuntimeError: if the submission fails.
+            )C0ND0R",
+            (boost::python::arg("self"), boost::python::arg("txn"), boost::python::arg("count")=1, boost::python::arg("itemdata")=boost::python::object())
+            )
+Note the use of a raw string delimited by =C0ND0R= for the docstring itself.
+The syntax is described here: https://sphinx-rtd-tutorial.readthedocs.io/en/latest/docstrings.html
+The corresponding =.rst= source that would embed this docstring, prettily-formatted, in the manual looks like
+.. autoclass:: Submit
+   .. automethod:: queue
+   .. automethod:: queue_with_itemdata
+   .. automethod:: expand
+   .. automethod:: jobs
+   .. automethod:: procs
+   .. automethod:: itemdata
+   .. automethod:: getQArgs
+   .. automethod:: setQArgs
+   .. automethod:: from_dag
+The =.. auto<something>::= are Sphinx directives provided by =sphinx-autodoc= which are replaced by the autodoc-formatted descriptions. So this block produces all of the documentation for the =Submit= object.
+When documenting a new thing in the bindings, you must also add an appropriate =.. auto<something>::= in the appropriate =.rst=.