*: Windows Vista or later
 {subsection: To test on Linux:}
-*: untar the appropriate version of Condor in a scratch directory of a machine that you have access to the keyboard and mouse (note: make sure that keyboard and mouse are USB)
+*: untar the appropriate version of HTCondor in a scratch directory of a machine that you have access to the keyboard and mouse (note: make sure that keyboard and mouse are USB)
 *: run './condor_install .' (note the trailing dot)
 *: source condor.sh (as instructed)
 *: edit the file at local.*/condor_config.local and add the following:
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
 *: Run condor_master
-*: Give condor a few seconds to start up, and then run this shell script
+*: Give HTCondor a few seconds to start up, and then run this shell script
 {verbatim}while true; do sleep 10; condor_status -l -direct `hostname` | grep KeyboardIdle; done{endverbatim}
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
 {subsection: To test on Windows}
-On Windows, the KBDD needs to be in the registry so that it will start when a user logs on and will run as that user.  You can either do this by installing Condor using the MSI installer and choosing to run jobs when the keyboard is idle; or you can add KBDD to the DAEMON_LIST, start Condor, and then log off and back on again.  The KBDD should startup when you log on.
+On Windows, the KBDD needs to be in the registry so that it will start when a user logs on and will run as that user.  You can either do this by installing HTCondor using the MSI installer and choosing to run jobs when the keyboard is idle; or you can add KBDD to the DAEMON_LIST, start HTCondor, and then log off and back on again.  The KBDD should startup when you log on.
 To test the kbdd, run this as a .BAT file