put them into a special directory since there will be LOTS of log files.
-valgrind --tool=memcheck --leak-check=yes --show-reachable=yes --leak-resolution=high --log-file=/tmp/valgrind.%p --trace-children=yes --num-callers=16 ./batch_test.pl -b -c
+valgrind --tool=memcheck --leak-check=yes --show-reachable=yes --leak-resolution=high --log-file=/tmp/tests.%p --trace-children=yes --num-callers=16 ./batch_test.pl -b -c
+Then, in the same directory as the pile of =tests.*= files, run this script,
+which will collate the =tests.*= files associated with Condor daemons and
+tools into directories.
+#! /usr/bin/env perl
+use warnings;
+use strict;
+use File::Basename;
+use File::Path;
+sub collate_valgrind_logs
+    my $prefix = shift @_;
+    my @files;
+    my $file;
+    my @lines;
+    my $line;
+    my @pieces;
+    @files = `/bin/ls -1 $prefix*`;
+    map {chomp $_} @files;
+    # foreach file which has a pattern of ^$prefix[0-9]+$ (some corefiles might
+    # exist which could have that prefix which we don't want to process) we
+    # figure out the command associated with it
+    foreach $file (@files) {
+        next if ($file !~ /^\Q$prefix\E[0-9]+$/);
+        # Get the line out of the file which represents the command that
+        # the file is valgrinding.
+        @lines = `egrep -e '== Command:' $file`;
+        next if ((scalar @lines) == 0);
+        map {chomp $_} @lines;
+        # figure out the actual command
+        @pieces = split / /, $lines[0];
+        map {s/^\s+//; chomp $_} @pieces;
+        # make sure I have something to work with.
+        next if (!defined($pieces[2]));
+        # get rid of an easy set of commands that aren't condor processes.
+        next if ($pieces[2] !~ m:condor_\w+$:);
+        # get rid of any condor process that appears to be a test suite
+        # executable
+        next if ($pieces[2] =~ m:condor_exec:);
+        # get the basename of the file
+        $pieces[2] = basename($pieces[2]);
+        # Now, mkdir the basename and copy the file into it.
+        mkpath($pieces[2]);
+        if (-d $pieces[2]) {
+            system("cp $file $pieces[2]");
+        }
+        print "$file, $pieces[2]\n";
+    }
+sub main
+    collate_valgrind_logs("tests.");
+exit main();
 {section: How to use the google heap profiler}
 The google heap profiler is part of the google-perftools package, which may be easily downloaded and compiled. This example used version 0.98.