One thing to beware of is that any code compiled with -fomit-frame-pointer may be untracked by the heap profiler.  For example, openssl is usually compiled this way and I have found that the pprof --text report shows some things allocated in libcrypt code to show up as allocations in default_malloc_ex() but the pprof --callgrind report does not show this memory allocation at all.  By turning off the compiler option when compiling openssl, I was able to get things to work as expected.  This same issue may affect other memory profiling tools too.
+{section: How to use igprof for memory profiling}
+Igprof (the ignominous profiler, is another convenient tool for tracking CPU performance and memory.  RHEL5 RPMs are available here:
+Condor isn't really performance critical, but let's use it for tracking leaks.  Igprof normally tracks a process from beginning to end, and dumps a profile at process exit.  Instead, we'll use it to monitor the Condor tree and dump a periodic heap dump.  A useful invocation of condor_master under igprof follows:
+igprof -D /var/log/condor/dump_profile -mp condor_master
+Whenever a process sees the file /var/log/condor/dump_profile, it will dump a heap profile into $CWD (/var/log/condor if you use the RPMs).  An example output filename follows:
+If you only want to monitor the condor_schedd, you can have igprof filter the processes it tracks with "-t":
+igprof -D /var/log/condor/dump_profile -t condor_schedd -mp condor_master
+Be careful about the dump_profile file: the condor process will attempt to remove it after dumping the profile; if it is owned by root and the process runs as user condor, the removal will fail and the heap dump will occur again 1/3 second later.
+If I'm tracking a slow leak, I setup a cron job to do a periodic dump:
+*/10 * * * * condor touch /var/log/condor/dump_profile
+Igprof produces compressed ASCII dumps about memory allocations which are pretty useless to humans.  However, igprof-analyse can analyze the dumps and produce a sqlite3 database:
+igprof-analyse -r MEM_LIVE --sqlite -d -v -g igprof.condor_schedd.21553.1324687875.867257.gz | sqlite3 ~/igreport_condor_schedd.sql3
+This will show the origination of all currently live memory allocations on the heap.  A more useful snapshot would be to compare the current heap to a previous snapshot to see the difference:
+igprof-analyse -r MEM_LIVE --sqlite -d -v -g --diff-mode -b igprof.condor_schedd.21553.1324687875.867257.gz igprof.condor_schedd.21553.1324689001.637857.gz | sqlite3 ~/igreport_condor_schedd.sql3
+Finally, sqlite3 databases aren't very useful to humans either, so igprof can run an embedded webserver to display its results:
+igprof-navigator ~/igreport_condor_schedd.sql3
 {section: How to use gdb to trap memory allocations}
 I mention this only because it is a clever idea from Greg Thain that might be helpful in some situation. In practice, I have found it to slow down the application so much that timeouts happen and normal operation ceases. Too bad!