Another way to get the commit hashes is by running "git log" while you still have the master branch checked out.  You are searching for the individual commit(s) in the pull request, NOT the commit of the merge you just did to master.  Search for appropriate keywords from the pull request, or for the committer's username, or "".  Make sure you get all commits contained in the pull request, and in the right chronological order.  It's probably better to get them using the first method (i.e. directly from
+Ideally, find the commits in gittrac (they will be in the Timeline when the original committer made them, NOT when you merged) and add edit the commit message(s) to include the ticket number.
 {snip: Example: Cherry-pick the commit(s) back to stable (V8_8-branch in this example)}
 git checkout V8_8-branch
 git pull
@@ -60,6 +62,7 @@
 git push origin V8_8-branch
+Again, find the commits in gittrac (this time they will be in the Timeline when you did the cherry-pick) and add edit the commit message(s) to include the ticket number.
 *THIS IS EXTREMELY RARE*, but if the pull request was targeted for stable (or a release branch), merge the pull request branch to the target branch and then do the normal merges forward.  Consult with TimT and TJ if dealing with a release branch.
 {snip: Example: Merge the pull request into a stable branch (V8_8-branch in this example) and then forward into master}