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Installation and Configuration

Martin Kandes wrote excellent instructions on installing and configuring condor_annex: For first-time users, we recommend that you use the 'us-east-1' region (and skip the rest of step 4) and that you pick one of the AMIs listed under step 7 (instead of building your own).

Instead of step 10, please obtain the most recent version of condor_annex from FIXME.

Start an Annex

The minimal set of options to start an annex follows:

$ condor_annex -name MyFirstAnnex -slots 3 -duration 24h

[The collector address and pool password will be obtained from configuration; previous steps configured the default AMI and JSON; the latter will specify count in units of 1 core and 2GB of RAM (for the instance types which exist at the time of release). We also need to write code to generate and upload the configuration corresponding to the collector and password file in question.]

This command will return after HTCondor has set up the 24-hour lease and requested that Amazon start 3 slots, each with one CPU and 2 GB of RAM.

It may take a few minutes for the annex's slots to show up, but they will be assigned in the next negotiation cycle (which may also take a few minutes), and your jobs will start running shortly after that.

If slot aren't available

[The instructions above configure the schedd to flock to the annex's central manager. Although it would be easy enough to set the START expression for the annex instances so that only the user who started the annex could run jobs there, the administrator may not want to give end-users (with root on the instances) write access to their pool's collector.]

Monitor your Annex

The following command line will print out the usual condor_status information for the annex you specify:

$ condor_status -annex MyFirstAnnex
ip-172-31-48-84.ec2.internal  LINUX      X86_64 Claimed   Busy      0.640 3767
ip-172-31-54-121.ec2.internal LINUX      X86_64 Claimed   Busy      0.880 3767
ip-172-31-56-45.ec2.internal  LINUX      X86_64 Claimed   Busy      0.600 3767

              Total Owner Claimed Unclaimed Matched Preempting Backfill  Drain
 X86_64/LINUX    11     0      11         0       0          0        0      0
        Total    11     0      11         0       0          0        0      0

[This is entirely equivalent to condor_status -const 'AnnexName =?= MyFirstAnnex' so it should be easy to implement.]
In this case, all three of the slots you requested have already started to run jobs.

Stop an Annex

If you're already familiar with the condor_off command, you can use it to turn off HTCondor on the annex nodes; the default image is configured so that this will also shut down the machine. To shut down each machine in an annex, use the following command-line:

$ condor_off -annex MyFirstAnnex

[This is entirely equivalent to condor_off -const 'AnnexName =?= MyFirstAnnex' so it should be easy to implement.]

Why isn't my Annex running jobs?

If condor_status -annex shows an idle machine, you can use condor_q in the usual way to help you determine why:

$ condor_q -rev -machine ip-172-31-48-84.ec2.internal

-- Schedd: : <

-- Slot: ip-172-31-48-84.ec2.internal : Analyzing matches for 7 Jobs in 1 autoclusters

The Requirements expression for this slot is

    ( START ) &&
    ( IsValidCheckpointPlatform )

  START is

  IsValidCheckpointPlatform is
    ( TARGET.JobUniverse isnt 1 ||
      ( ( MY.CheckpointPlatform isnt undefined ) &&
        ( ( TARGET.LastCheckpointPlatform is MY.CheckpointPlatform ) ||
          ( TARGET.NumCkpts == 0 ) ) ) )

This slot defines the following attributes:

    CheckpointPlatform = "LINUX X86_64 2.6.x normal 0x2aaaaaaab000 ssse3 sse4_1 sse4_2"

Job 737.0 has the following attributes:

    TARGET.JobUniverse = 5
    TARGET.NumCkpts = 0

The Requirements expression for this slot reduces to these conditions:

Step    Matched  Condition
-----  --------  ---------
[1]           1  IsValidCheckpointPlatform Run analysis summary of 7 jobs.
    7 (100.00 %) match both slot and job requirements.
    7 match the requirements of this slot.
    7 have job requirements that match this slot.

Since the instances all start from the same image, it's unlikely that one instance in an annex will run a job when another won't. However, since the annex may obtain slots from more one instance type, it's possible that a mismatch between your job's requirement(s) and the default slot size will result in this situation. In this example, the analysis indicates that 100% of your jobs would run in the slot. That could mean that you need to wait a few minutes for another negotiation cycle to occur, or it could mean that you have more slots than jobs.

By default, you'll only have fifteen minutes to to analyze an idle instance; once the instance has been idle for that long, it will shut itself down to avoid uselessly spending (more of) your money.