-Work to support Paritionable slots in Condor is an ongoing effort.
+Work to support Paritionable slots in HTCondor is an ongoing effort.
-Current support for partitionable slots in Condor:
+Current support for partitionable slots in HTCondor:
 A startd can be configured to support zero or more paritionable slots, in addition to the traditional static slots.  Static and partitionable slots can be mixed, and we do see demand from user for having machines running with both static and partitionable slots.  This can be to have a static slot for administrative purposes, or to support specific kinds of resources like GPUs.  Partitionable slots can be given fixed or remaining amounts of disk, cpu and memory resources.  Today, the negotiatior knows nothing special about partitionable slots -- they are advertised to the collector, matched in the negotiator, just like a static slot, and assigned to a schedd.  Only when the claim is in the schedd does their partitionable nature become noticed.  When the schedd claims a partitionable slot, the startd splits the claim into the requested amount (perhaps rounded by itself), creating a new claim we call the dynamic slot, and decrements the existing partitionable slot, so that it represents the remaining claim.  The schedd can then repeatedly try to claim the partitionable leftovers until they are exhausted.  However, the partitionable slot never itself goes into the claimed state, it stays unclaimed for the whole life cycle.  Defragmentation is handled by a defragmentation daemon, which periodically sends draining
 requests to selected startds, in order to drain the whole machine.