The Center for High Throughput Computing plans to gradually reduce use of GCT with support fully ending before 1 January 2023; at that point, only proxy delegation and ARC CE submission (through the REST API) will be supported.  Major planned milestones in this timeline include:
-*: April 2021: HTCondor 9.0.0 is released with full GCT support _except_ that CREAM and GRAM support will be dropped.
+*: April 2021: HTCondor 9.0.0 is released marking the start of the a new release series, which will continue with full GCT support _except_ that CREAM and GRAM support will be dropped.
 *: May 2021: HTCondor 9.1.x is released with the following changes:
 *:: Enables the use of the new ARC CE REST interface without GCT.
 *:: Removes GSI from default list of authentication methods in both HTCondor and HTCondor-CE (note: GSI will still be available via explicitly configuring =AUTHENTICATION_METHODS=)