*How often does this thing run?*  The old shell-script version ran once every twenty minutes as a cron job.  The new Ruby version pulls all matching branches, sleeps for thirty seconds, and then runs itself again; it uses cron essentially as a watchdog.  (That is, at most one mirror job targeting a given destination repository will run at a time.)
-*When should I expect to see my changes to mirrored branch =foo= in the public repository?*  A pull shouldn't take more than five minutes, so the worst-case scenario for the new mirror script is probably under ten minutes.  (The real worst-case scenario involves waiting for the cron job to restart =git-mirror.rb=, but your average wait time in that case should still be under fifteen minutes.)
+*When should I expect to see my changes to a mirrored branch reflected in the public repository?*  A pull shouldn't take more than five minutes, so the worst-case scenario for the new mirror script is probably under ten minutes.  (The real worst-case scenario involves waiting for the cron job to restart =git-mirror.rb=, but your average wait time in that case should still be under fifteen minutes.)
 *How can I tell if my (sensitive) branch will be mirrored to the public repository?*  You can run =git-mirror.rb= yourself on your personal repo with the =--dry-run= option, and it will show you the list of branches and tags it would have pushed, given the default options.