 <h1>Using the python-condor library</h1>
 <p><i><b>python-condor</b></i> is a wrapper module containing mechanisms for interacting with the HTCondor system. It is included by default in 7.9.4.</p>
+<h2>Basics - Job Submission</h2>
+1: Begin by importing the condor and classad modules from a python interpreter.
+<b>Note: some distributions require you import the module as <i>htcondor</i></b>
+1: Declare a collector with an IP address/hostname.
+1: Locate a scheduler by applying the 'locate' method on the collector object.
+1: Parse a classad file with the classad library's .parse() method. (Note: these are raw classad files. They are similar to submit files, but vary in interesting ways. condor_q -l xx.xx will display the classad data for a particular job.)
+1: Using the .submit method to submit the file to the appropriate scheduler.
 [bbockelm@example python-condor]$ python
 Python 2.6.6 (r266:84292, Jun 18 2012, 09:57:52)