:doc:`Here is my custom text link </overview/exceptional-features>`
+{subsection: Linking to subsections within documents}
+You can also easily add links to subsections within documents. Whenever a section or subsection is defined using the correct section title syntax (see "Section Titles" above), Sphinx will automatically make the an HTML anchor so you can link directly to it. Use the following syntax:
+:ref:`path/to/document:section title`
+For example, to link to the "Start an Annex" subsection on the Annex User's Guide page, use the following:
+:ref:`cloud-computing/annex-users-guide:start an annex`
+By default, Sphinx will use the name of the section as the link text. You can override this with the following syntax:
+:ref:`My custom link text goes here<path/to/document:section title>`
 {subsection: Documenting Python Objects}
 Python "objects" (classes, methods, free functions, enums, anything) are documented via =sphinx-autodoc= (https://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/usage/extensions/autodoc.html). "Docstrings" for these objects are written directly into the Python bindings C++ source code, are embedded into the Python library during the HTCondor build process, and are then read by Sphinx during the manual build.