1: On nmi-s006, pin the build for 120 days using =/nmi/bin/nmi_pin=:
-$ nmi-pin --days=120 --force <runid>
+$ nmi_pin --days=120 --force <runid>
 1: Make sure we've got a win32 build and releasable package (at this point, the nightly windows builds still don't provide packaging, so this remains a manual step).
@@ -187,21 +187,21 @@
   -n, --no-exec         Disable execution
 *:::: login to nmi-s006
-*:::: Get the GID or the (RID and date of the build) of the build you want.
+*:::: Get the GID or the (RunID and date of the build) of the build you want.
 *:::: Run the extractor in one of the following forms:
 *::::: This version takes a GID
 $ nmi-extract-results --gid <GID>
-*::::: This version takes an RID and looks for builds within +/- 24 hours of today that match the passed in RID
+*::::: This version takes a runid and looks for builds within +/- 24 hours of today that match the passed in RID
-$ nmi-extract-results --rid <RID>
+$ nmi-extract-results --runid <RunID>
-*::::: This version takes an RID and looks for builds with +/- 24 hours of the specified date
+*::::: This version takes an runid and looks for builds with +/- 24 hours of the specified date
-$ nmi-extract-results --rid <RID> --date <date>
+$ nmi-extract-results --runid <RunID> --date <date>
-*:::: The --rid search modes aren't all that painful at all, it generally finds the matching RID in well less than a minute, so it's much better than the "run find by hand" method, which is painful.
+*:::: The --runid search modes aren't all that painful at all, it generally finds the matching RunID in well less than a minute, so it's much better than the "run find by hand" method, which is painful.
 *:::: If it succeeds in finding the build, it will then extract all of the relevant binaries into ./public/v7.1.2 (well, actually, the correct name). When it's done, you should have everything you need in that directory, including the condor_src and windows tarballs (note, however, that we, as of yet, still need to have Ben build the ZIP and MSI files).
 *:::: Copy the files back to one of the CSL machines; I try to use nation or one of the less used machines, especially if I'm copying directly into AFS, otherwise it loads them down badly (AFS just doesn't handle it well at all).