$ python -V
 Python 2.5
-*:: For more complete documentation on the download tools, look at /p/condor/downloads/doc/operations.txt
+*:: For more complete documentation on the download tools, look at /p/condor/downloads/doc/operation.txt
 *:: Add a version to the new download "database". In this case, we'll install version 7.0.2, and we'll copy the release information from 7.0.1, except for the release date. Then, we'll edit the 7.0.1 description to reflect that it's no longer the most recent. Finally, we'll blow away 7.0.0 entirely. These steps are required. For all of the below commands, I'm going to assume that you've added =/p/condor/downloads/bin= to your PATH.
 *::: List the current versions: