$ download-versions delete 7.0.0
-*:: If this is a new series, you will need to edit /p/condor/downloads/etc/downloads.conf and add a few lines. Search for the previous series and follow its example.
+*:: If this is a new series, you will need to edit /p/condor/downloads/etc/downloads.conf and add a few lines. Search for the previous series and follow its example.  In particular, as a "[release 7.4] section, using a previous release as a template. Also, for each "[mirror SOMETHING]" section, add a release_7_4 entry, using previous releases as a template.
 *:: Install the binaries into the new download system. This step is required.
 $ download-install -v --mode symlink 7.0.2 /p/condor/public/binaries/v7.0/7.0.2
@@ -333,31 +334,20 @@
 *::Add a new license agreement.  This is usually just copying the old license to a new name.
 *:::Check out the condor-web CVS module.
 *:::cd condor-web/src/downloads
 *:::cp v7.3.license.html v7.4.license.html
 *:::edit v7.4.license.html to change the Condor version numebr.
 *:::cvs add v7.4.license.html
 *:::cvs ci
 *:::cd ../..
 *:::./generate_html src
 *::Update the download system's information.  Note that the warnings above download-versions being incompatible with the standard Python install stands; make sure you use a more recent Python.
-download-versions update --lic=http://parrot.cs.wisc.edu/v7.4.license.html --inst=http://www.cs.wisc.edu/condor/manual/v7.4/3_2Installation.html 7.4.0
+download-versions update --lic=http://parrot.cs.wisc.edu/v7.4.license.html \
+  --inst=http://www.cs.wisc.edu/condor/manual/v7.4/3_2Installation.html 7.4.0
-*::"If this is a new series, you will need to edit /p/condor/downloads/etc/downloads.conf and add a few lines. Search for the previous series and follow its example. "  - Add "[release 7.4] section, using previous release as a template.  For each "[mirror *]" section, add a release_7_4 entry, using previous releases as a template.
 *::The download log files must exist; the download scripts won't create them if they don't.
 cd /p/condor/public/license