1: Close out all {link: http://condor-wiki.cs.wisc.edu/index.cgi/rptview?rn=14 tickets} fixed by this release.
-1: Update the Condor wikipedia page to indicate the current stable release.
+1: Update the {link:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Condor_High-Throughput_Computing_System Condor Wikipedia page} to indicate the current release.
 1: Stop building the branch nightly:
 *:: =cd /p/condor/home/tools/cvs-tools=
@@ -459,3 +459,8 @@
 *:: Delete the section that defined the nightly build tag for this branch.
 *:: =cvs diff create_build_tag-input= (to verify the change before you commit it)...
 *:: =cvs commit -m "added nightly build tags for V6_X_Y-branch" create_build_tag-input=
+1: On nmi-s006, unpin the build using =/nmi/bin/nmi_pin=. Do _not_ do this until the binaries are live on the web and the DVD archives are done.
+$ nmi_pin --unpin --force <runid>