*:::: (You can also use "=scp nmi-s006:/space/tmp/release-$RELEASE/public/v$RELEASE_MAJOR/'*' ./=" to copy the binaries over. rsync provides the advantage that you can re-run it over and over again if your transfer is interrupted and you won't re-copy what you already have.)
 *::: Option 3: Derek has a script to search through a given NMI rundir and move everything we need. The script lives in the nmi_tools directory in git, and is called =move_to_afs=. Beware that this script will eat up around 8 gigabytes while it runs. It's also old and crusty and should be avoided.
-1: Release source tarball. The source tarball is created every night as part of the nightly builds. Nick's =nmi-extract-results= script will extract it along will all of the binary tarballs. Otherwise, you can extract it yourself. If you look in the =rundir= of a given NMI runid, you should see a tarball in =userdir/common= named =results.tar.gz=, which contains the source tarball. Extract it like so:
+1: Pre-release source tarball. The source tarball is created every night as part of the nightly builds. Nick's =nmi-extract-results= script will extract it along will all of the binary tarballs. Otherwise, you can extract it yourself. If you look in the =rundir= of a given NMI runid, you should see a tarball in =userdir/common= named =results.tar.gz=, which contains the source tarball. Extract it like so:
 tar zxvf results.tar.gz condor-X.Y.Z.tar.gz